更新时间:2014-07-15 15:54
中文摘要: |
介绍了万隆造纸厂废水处理工程改建实例,分析了厌氧 好氧工艺相比原好氧工艺的优势及其运行状况与处理成本。工程改造并实行清洁生产后,污染物质排放总量明显减少,水质可达到GB18918-2002一级A标准,满足一般回用水的质量要求,同时与原有的好氧生物处理工艺相比可节省动力约55%。工程采取节水措施后,产品耗水量仅为7~9 m3/t,有效控制了水资源消耗。通过运行状况可知活性污泥法作为厌氧后处理工艺操作控制方便,并可在较低溶解氧(0.9~1.2 mg/L)条件下运行,有效减少了能耗,是实际工程中较为理想的厌氧后处理工艺。 |
英文摘要: |
The wastewater treatment reconstruction project in Wanlong Paper Mill was introduced. The operational process and treament costs were compared, it could be concluded that anaerobic-aerobic process was more advantaged than the former aerobic treatment process. After the reconstruction of the project and clean production accomplished, the effluent quality could achieve first grade discharge standard of GB 18918-2002 and the recycle requirement of reuse water. Meanwhile, the energy costs of the new process were reduced by 55%, comparing with the former aerobic biological treatment technology. With the water conservation technology, the water comsumption for per unity unit product was just 7~9 m3/t, protecting the water resource effectively. The result indicated that as a developed post-treatment process, the activated sludge system was convenient to be operated, while the dissolved oxygen concentration was low (0.9~1.2 mg/L), it presents an attractive characteristic of low energy consumption. |

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