更新时间:2014-07-17 13:37
中文摘要 |
挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)是大气臭氧和二次有机气溶胶污染的关键前体物,而烹调油烟排放的VOCs作为大气中VOCs的重要来源之一,对其排放浓度进行研究具有重要意义. 从食用油的烧杯加热实验入手,简化模拟烹调油烟发生情景,采用Tenax吸附管采样,热脱附-气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)定量检测分析,以加热温度和油品作为变量,对花生油、葵花籽油、大豆油、调和油和橄榄油在不同温度下加热生成的油烟VOCs浓度进行了比较分析,并初步估算了在实验温度范围内典型食用油单位时间内油烟VOCs的排放强度. 结果表明,5种典型食用油随着加热温度的升高,排放的油烟中VOCs的浓度也随之升高; 而在同一温度下加热5种食用油,调和油产生的油烟中VOCs的浓度最低; 对不同温度下典型食用油单位时间内油烟VOCs的排放强度进行拟合,结果为二项式最优,其单位时间内油烟VOCs的排放强度范围为1.6~11.1 mg·(kg·min)-1. |
英文摘要 |
Cooking oil fume is one of the important sources of atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are the key precursors of ozone and secondary organic aerosols in air. In this study, the production of cooking oil fume was simulated by heating typical pure vegetable oils (peanut oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, olive oil and blend oil) at different temperatures in beakers to investigate the VOCs emission characteristics. The emitted VOCs were sampled with a Tenax adsorption tube and analyzed using GC-MS after thermal desorption. The results showed that the emission of VOCs increased with the increase of the heating temperature for all the investigated cooking oils, and at a given temperature, the blend oil emitted the lowest amount of VOCs. The VOCs emission intensity at different heating temperatures fitted well with binomial equations and ranged from 1.6-11.1 mg·(kg·min)-1. |
